The Salcombe Art Club Summer Exhibition is open!

The tourists are now here for the Summer and we hope many of them will visit the Loft Gallery to see the wonderful display of work by local artists.


On display in the Loft Studio, there are now five of my paintings.

148: All Aboard the East Portlemouth Ferry Acrylic £500

145: Schooner Sunset Acrylic £500

139: Watching the Merlins Race  Oil £450

137: Longstone  Oil £350

037: Deliah Acrylic £225

037 Deliah


15% of the price goes to the Salcombe Art Club. This ‘income’ pays for the running costs, but also funds our charitable gifts to local causes.

This year’s beneficiaries were Erme Valley Riding for the Disabled

and Kingsbridge Food Bank.

Both are worthy causes!


South Hams Art Forum: news!

Like many others, Anne and I have found the past year somewhat challenging.

No art classes to attend. No exhibitions. No galleries to visit.

Not to mention the effect of ‘staying at home’ and worries as to how many more lockdowns might be needed.

But, it seems we are now returning to normal, and I’m returning to blogging at long last.

We must look on the bright side?

  • I’m delighted delighted that Anne and I have both had our two jabs. (We are still wearing our masks though.)
  • I’m delighted too that members of the South Hams Art Forum (SHAF) have spent the fallow months working on their amazing website.

Let’s celebrate!

SHAF website news

For a number of years, I’ve been a proud member of SHAF. Their website has recently been transformed and you can see works of mine and the many other talented artists there.

Stephen Thomas info on South Hams Art Forum website

SHAF events at Harbour House

I’ve enjoyed taking part in the SHAF exhibitions at Harbour House in Kingsbridge in the past, and there are two events scheduled for Harbour House.

South Hams Art Forum events at Harbour House

Both will provide opportunities for you to see the fantastic creations of a cross-section of SHAF artists.

SHAF Arts Trail: 16-31 October 2021

I’ve also enjoyed hosting the Arts Trail from my home, Beacon House, in Salcombe.

South Hams Art Forum Arts Trail

This year, things will be a bit different. Anne and I have decided we cannot host the Arts Trail (put that down to advanced years and recent health issues!) but we will be supporting SHAF artists all the same.

Watch this space!

However, we will continue to welcome visitors all year round. Contact me if you would like to arrange a time to view, by private appointment, at Beacon House Gallery, within my home in Salcombe. .

SHAF on social media

A new SHAF artist is featured each week on Instagram and Facebook.

Last week, it was Nick Cotter’s turn.SHAF's Nick Cotter featured on Facebook

You can also follow SHAF on their Facebook page, and on Instagram @southhamsartsforum.South Hams Art Forum Instagram

Join SHAF!

I can thoroughly recommend that all local artists join South Hams Art Forum (SHAF). Full details here.

COVID update

Long time, no see!

I paused the blog before our 10-week trip to Australia and posted once on our return to announce the exhibition at Kingsbridge Library. Then came the lockdown.

Anne and I are in the elderly/vulnerable category and have been enjoying each other’s company to the exclusion of the rest of the world for 13 weeks now. And I have GOOD news and BAD. First …

The BAD news

Around us, everything has been cancelled:

  • The Salcombe Art Club main exhibition – I was due to have five paintings on display plus a one-man show … not going to happen
  • The SHAF Arts Trail – October time … not going to happen
  • The Kingsbridge exhibition – cut short and my paintings are still there ….

And, we are remaining in lockdown until at least the end of August so Beacon House Gallery is closed until further notice.

The GOOD news?

We can still supply you with fine art greetings cards, through the post. Some shops are now open so you can also buy them locally.

  • Burton Farm Shop, Malborough
  • Ashby’s, just outside Salcombe
  • Bonnington’s, Salcombe

Our giclée printer company started back today (Hooray!) so we can arrange to have rolled gliclée prints sent to you through the post.

We are not happy to sell original paintings unseen. If you have an urgent request, we may be able to arrange a private viewing at Beacon House. No promises!