SOLD! Sunlight Across the Bar

Soon after 11am on Sunday 18 August, the official opening time for the exhibition, I made a sale. Sunlight across the Bar, an oil painting was sold to a couple who have been visiting Salcombe ‘forever’.

I arrange to have all of my original paintings professionally photographed before they are varnished or framed, so I stil have the digital image and own the copyright. From this image, I can create a giclée print, and any of the affordable art range.  It’s very popular as a fine art greetings card too.

A boxed canvas – unusual for Stephen Thomas

It’s rare for me to offer a painting unframed. Sunlight across the Bar was on a box canvas and had spent much of its life on our lounge wall, above the TV.

In its place, I have hung a much larger painting. It’s a print by Terrence Cuneo, who is best known for his studies of trains and railway stations. However, this one depicts Lloyds of London, my place of work for decades. It was a gift to me from work colleagues on my retirement in 2000.

Terence Cuneo - Lloyds of London | Sold! Sunlight Across the Bar

The feather?

The feather symbolises the quill pen, and was intended as a joke by my colleagues to remind me that I started work, aged 17, before the invention of computers. It was after the invention of pens, however.

The waiters (those in red jackets) would, each morning, visit every box and refill the inkwells. This tradition has obviously fallen by the wayside and Lloyds is full of modern technology.

Nowadays, many use a mouse. In my day, the mice were real and one is visible in this painting.

Can you see this painting?

My Terence Cuneo painting will be on display, but not for sale, during the SHAF (South Hams Arts Forum) Arts Trail. Make a note of  the dates: 12-27 October.

Setting up day: Sunday 18 August

Anne and I had a very early start on setting up day. I’d already loaded the car the night before, with fifteen paintings, individually wrapped and ready to hang.

The parking fairy had reserved a place for us alongside the bakery and I moved the paintings bag by bag to the Art Club, while Anne guarded the car and the remaining paintings.

Then, I left Anne at the Gallery while I moved the car to my boat parking space in Shadycombe car park. By the time I’d returned, Anne had unpacked and hung nearly all the paintings, not in their final positions, but close.

There then followed an hour or so of moving each painting left a bit, right a bit, up a bit, down a bit, and attaching labels. Imagine, me on a ladder, and Anne directing operations!

We were just about done when the purchaser arrived. He was earlier than our usual opening time, but we welcomed him in. We then settled ourselves down to a well-earned cup of coffee.

After studying all the paintings, he departed but returned with his wife some time later, to make the purchase. I am always happy when I meet the purchaser, and know my painting is going to a good home!

When does the exhibition end?

There’s another week … 11am-5pm every day until Saturday 31 August. Do pop in. I’m stewarding on Wednesday 28 August 11am-5pm and Saturday 31 August 2-5pm.


As a full member of Salcombe Art Club, I have the option for a one-man exhibition in the corner of the Loft Gallery that some of us still call the Little Studio.

This year, my exhibition spans two consecutive weeks: 18-31 August. Fifteen original paintings … and the gallery is open every day 11am until 5pm


For this one-man exhibition, I’ve chosen paintings which span the past decade or so, while I have been a member of Salcombe Art Club.

The Club rules don’t allow a painting to be exhibited in the Main Exhibition for three years after it is first exhibited. Each year, I’ve been exhibiting 5 new paintings; consequently, these older ones have been somewhat neglected.

I need to free up space on the walls in my gallery! So, I have discounted all of the paintings on show for this fortnight. Come along. There are some bargains!

From 2011: Slapton Ley 

Slapton Ley | one-man exhibition

Slapton Ley: watercolour: £100


Deliah | one-man exhibition

Deliah: acrylic: £150

High and Dry in the Creek 

High and Dry in the Creek: acrylic £150

From 2012: Fishing Boats in the Barbican 

Fishing Boats in the Barbican: watercolour: £150

From 2013: At Ditch End 

079 At Ditch End

At Ditch End: acrylic: £100

Evening Row 

Evening Row: acrylic: £100

Storm at Start Bay 

Storm at Start Bay: acrylic: £100

and Calypso 

Calypso watercolour: £150

From 2014: Hope Cove Fishing Gear 

Hope Cove Fishing Gear

Hope Cove Fishing Gear: watercolour: £125

From 2015: Sunlight Across the Ba

Sunlight across the Bar: oil; £175

 Salcombe Dawn II  

Salcombe Dawn II: watercolour: £375

From 2018: Sunset at Start Point II  

Sunset at Start Point

Sunset at Start Point: oil: £325

In the main exhibition, I have FIVE paintings. Can you find them all? 


The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay, which overlooks one of the best views in the UK including the mooring berth of the RNLI lifeboat Baltic Exchange III.

AFFORDABLE ART: Fine art greetings cards

Out of 140+ completed paintings to date, 70 of these are also available as fine art greetings cards.

You cannot buy my cards at the Salcombe Art Club, but they are stocked at Bonningtons (the newsagents) and Salcombe Information Centre (both a short walk from the Loft Studio).

Further afield, my cards are stocked by Malborough Post Office, Ashby’s, The Gallery Project at Avon Mill and at Noss Mayo.

This Week at Salcombe Art Club: Elen Claire Williams

As a full member of Salcombe Art Club, I have the option to exhibit in the This Week corner of the Loft Gallery that some of us still call the Little Studio. This year, I had two consecutive weeks: 28 July until 11 August.


The turn of Elen Claire Williams

It’s now the turn of Elen Claire Williams to exhibit her work in the Little Studio.

Fine Artist, Elen Claire Williams MA works in the genre of the British Walking Artists: recording and interpreting her local South Devon landscape, principally between the moor and the sea. She commonly selects popular places at those solitary times where distance from modern life encourages deeper thought, imagination, self-discovery and inner peace.

Through varying visual languages, Elen Claire creates atmospheric, evocative impressions and visual documentations arising from ‘The Art of Slow Walking’.  Often the narrative behind the artwork becomes a series of works exploring the deeper aspects of art makingThis reaches beyond the decorative aspect of making art, to the key issues of our times e.g. spiritual poverty and environmental issues, becoming essential deeper elements in the artist’s work.  Elen Claire seeks to raise the audiences’ awareness of the fragility of all life.  An interest in local history, rural traditions and personal faith are reflected in the narrative of specific series of artwork.

Here are just three of Elen Claire’s paintings. Visit the Little Studio in the Salcombe Art Club to see more. Elen Claire’s show ends on Saturday!


Salcombe – Home for Tea: Oil on canvas: 610mmx1220mm


House on the Avon: Mixed media: 455mmx610mm


Safe to Shore: 505mmx760mm


WilliamsThe Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay, which overlooks one of the best views in the UK including the mooring berth of the RNLI lifeboat Baltic Exchange III.


See Elen Claire also on the SHAF Arts Trail: at venue 33

Elen Claire is one of over 60 artists opening their studios for the SHAF Arts Trail.

This year, the SHAF Arts Trail runs from October 13th to October 28th. Two whole weeks, including half-term week.

Elen Claire’s studio, ART SPACE: Fine Art Studio is venue 33 and all the details are on page 18 of the SHAF Arts Trail Brochure.


Small group workshops

Elen Claire also runs group workshops led by professional artist tutors at her ART SPACE studio.

For more details, contact Elen Claire at 


Also see her website and her Facebook page.


If you have an exhibition coming up, let me know. I’ll tell my readers about it.

OPEN! Salcombe Art Club Summer Exhibition 2018

Last Thursday, I attended the Salcombe Art Club Summer Exhibition Preview evening, at which cheques were distributed to two local worthy causes.

Our chairlady, Naomi Ainsley, and our esteemed Mayor, Michael Fice, made the presentations.

There are lots more photos on the Salcombe Art club’s page on Facebook and I’m sure there will be a report in the local Gazette in due course.

Meanwhile …


My paintings on display in the Summer exhibition

OSummer exhibitionn display in the Loft Studio, there are now five of my paintings:

On the left, from top to bottom:


On the right, from top to bottom:


The tourists are now here for the Easter and we hope many of them will visit the Loft Gallery to see the wonderful display of work by local artists.

As members of the Salcombe Art Club, we are invited to display our creations. If sold, 15% of the price goes the to Salcombe Art club.

This ‘income’ pays for the running costs, but also funds our charitable gifts to local causes.

Which brings me back to the beginning of this post. This year’s beneficiaries were Erme Valley Riding for the Disabled and Kingsbridge Food Bank.


Dates for your diary during the Summer exhibition

I will be stewarding on the following dates.

  • Wednesday 16 May: 11am – 2pm
  • Wednesday 1 August: 11am – 5pm
  • Wednesday 8 August: 11am – 5pm
  • Sunday 12 August: 11am – 5pm
  • Saturday 18 August: 2pm – 5pm
  • Sunday 19 August: 11am – 5pm
  • Wednesday 26 September: 11am – 5pm


Pop in to meet me in the flesh!

One-man exhibition 13-26 August in the Little Studio at the Loft Gallery, Salcombe

My one-man exhibition  in the Little Studio at the Loft Gallery, Salcombe continues until Saturday 26 August.

I’ve space to show a wide range of my art in this one-man exhibition: watercolours, acrylics and oils. Fifteen paintings in all.

In the image below, you can see 12 of them.

2017 Little Studio one-man exhibition

Top row: (left to right) Gullet Plantation, Deliah, Salcombe Yacht Club’s Christmas Camellias, Torcross Wave

Middle row: (left to right) Scoble Point Moorings, Harvest Reaper II, Hope Cove, Dappled Light III

Bottom row: (left to right) Burgh Island from Hope Cove, At Ditch End, South Pool Sunrise, Tranquility

For those keen on a particular medium, these are the oils: Gullet Plantation,  Scoble Point MooringsHarvest Reaper IIHope CoveDappled Light IIIAt Ditch End, and South Pool Sunrise.

The rest shown here are acrylics.



The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay, which overlooks one of the best views in the UK including the mooring berth of the RNLI lifeboat Baltic Exchange III.



Out of 135 completed paintings to date, 59 of these are available as fine art greetings cards.

My cards are stocked at Bonningtons (the newsagents) and Salcombe Information Centre (both a short walk from the Loft Studio). Further afield, my cards are stocked by Malborough Post Office – they offer the entire range – The Gallery Project at Avon Mill and at Noss Mayo, and in Bloomers, the florist in Kingsbridge.

Just think: for less than 1% of the sales price of an original painting, you can invest in a fine art greetings card. Send it to a friend or frame it for yourself.

108 Salcombe Dawn III one-man exhibition

One-man exhibition 13-26 August – Loft Gallery, Salcombe

My one-man exhibition 13-26 August in the Little Studio at the Loft Gallery, Salcombe opened yesterday and continues until Saturday week.

I’ve space to show a wide range of my art in this one-man exhibition: watercolours, acrylics and oils. Fifteen paintings in all.

During the next two weeks, I’ll share news of the 15 images on show, and hope you will find time to visit the gallery to see them in person. You might even be tempted to buy one!


Salcombe Dawn III

The featured image, Salcombe Dawn III,  and the top one in the photo to the right, as the name suggests, is the third painting of the view across to Salcombe from Snapes. The other two were both oil paintings and one has sold already.

This image of Salcombe was captured very early one morning.  I’d invested in a photography course with Bang Wallop, and a small group of us drove up to Snapes in the early hours so we’d be in position as the dawn broke. I’d never before sat in the dark, with a group of strangers, cameras ready, waiting for the sun to appear on the horizon. It was a magical experience, and provided a series of wonderful photographs.


The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay, which overlooks one of the best views in the UK including the mooring berth of the RNLI lifeboat Baltic Exchange III.



Out of 135 completed paintings to date, 59 of these are available as fine art greetings cards.

My cards are stocked at Bonningtons (the newsagents) and Salcombe Information Centre (both a short walk from the Loft Studio). Further afield, my cards are stocked by Malborough Post Office – they offer the entire range – The Gallery Project at Avon Mill and at Noss Mayo, and in Bloomers, the florist in Kingsbridge.

Just think: for less than 1% of the sales price of an original painting, you can invest in a fine art greetings card. Send it to a friend or frame it for yourself.

EXHIBITION TIME: Michael Hill’s Watercolour Class Exhibition: Now until Saturday 5 August

Michael Hill’S Watercolour Class Exhibition is on now, until Saturday 5 August, in the Little Studio at the Loft Gallery, Salcombe.

I have three watercolour paintings on display, as well as those already hanging in the main exhibition.


Watercolour: Slapton Ley

Slapton Ley was one of two watercolour paintings completed when I was living temporarily in Torcross. As you can see, from the upstairs lounge window, we had the most beautiful view across the Ley to the sea, towards Blackpool Sands and beyond that, Dartmouth.

Slapton Ley watercolour

Watercolour:  Ebb Tide at Batson Creek

Ebb Tide at Batson Creek shows a dilapidated boat house in a secluded part of Batson Creek. I admire this picturesque scene every time we take a stroll from Salcombe down to Batson. It is quite beautiful, whatever the state of the tide.


Watercolour: Salcombe Dawn III

Salcombe Dawn III,  as the name suggests, is the third painting of the view across to Salcombe from Snapes. The other two were both oil paintings and one has sold already.

This image of Salcombe was captured very early one morning.  I’d invested in a photography course with Bang Wallop, and a small group of us drove up to Snapes in the early hours so we’d be in position as the dawn broke. I’d never before sat in the dark, with a group of strangers, cameras ready, waiting for the sun to appear on the horizon. It was a magical experience, and provided a series of wonderful photographs.

Salcombe Dawn III watercolour


The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay, which overlooks one of the best views in the UK including the mooring berth of the RNLI lifeboat Baltic Exchange III.



All three images are available as a fine art greetings card, although the Salcombe Dawn card uses one of the oil versions of this composition.

My cards are stocked at Bonningtons (the newsagents) and Salcombe Information Centre (both a short walk from the Loft Studio). Further afield, my cards are stocked by Malborough Post Office, The Gallery Project at Avon Mill and at Noss Mayo, and in Bloomers, the florist in Kingsbridge.

Just think: for less than 1% of the sales price of an original painting, you can invest in a fine art greetings card. Send it to a friend or frame it for yourself.

Salcombe Art Club Exhibition preview: Shifting Sands at Burgh Island I and II

Two of my paintings of Burgh Island depicts the shifting sands between the mainland and the island.

I’ve included both for consideration of the Hanging Committee of Salcombe Art Club, hoping they will be accepted for the 2017 Salcombe Art Club Exhibition which opens on Thursday 13 April.

On this blog, over the past few weeks, I’ve also posted a preview of the other three paintings that I have submitted: Provident, Hope Cove Fishing Gear, and Blackstone.


What’s special about these two paintings of Burgh Island?

Shifting Sands at Burgh Island I, the featured image above, is an acrylic painting. In the sky, I included a vapour trail to remind me of a flight from Gatwick to Malta a while back. For some reason, the pilot chose to go west before turning south. Seeing this spectacular coastline from the air was a magical experience.

Shifting Sands at Burgh Island II draws particular attention to the dramatic cliffs. Also clear in this image is that the Island is set apart from the mainland by a strip of sand, only visible at low tide. When the sea is in full tide, the sea tractor ferries the visitors to and fro and there is a continuous clamour of sound from waves and gulls.

What’s special about Burgh Island?

Burgh Island, with its Art Deco hotel perched like a crown on its island site, has always captured the visitors’ imagination – not just Agatha Christie’s but many many artists too.

The setting is like a jewel, but with constantly changing tides and weather and light.

Acrylic paint was my choice because the summer light is strong and the tones of blues and greens etc compete. The fast drying time of this medium means there can be no delay in capturing the moment.



Both images are available as a fine art greetings card.

My cards are stocked at Bonningtons (the newsagents) and Salcombe Information Centre (both a short walk from the Loft Studio). Further afield, my cards are stocked by Malborough Post Office, The Gallery Project at Avon Mill and at Noss Mayo, and in Bloomers, the florist in Kingsbridge.

Just think: for less than 1% of the sales price of an original painting, you can invest in a fine art greetings card. Send it to a friend or frame it for yourself. Whistlefish sell frames that fit … about £10 each.

2017 exhibition schedule

It’s that time of year – firming up the 2017 exhibition schedule.

My diary is already looking full!

Please put these dates in your diary. Once the days and times when I will be stewarding are decided, I will post news on my Facebook page and here also. It’s your chance to ‘meet the artist’!


Salcombe Art Club Summer exhibition
Thursday 13 April – Saturday 30 September 2017

2017 exhibition scheduleAs a member of  Salcombe Art Club, I’ve exhibited in the club’s Summer Exhibition for many years now.

I usually submit 5 paintings, and the rule is that none of these original works of art can have been hung in the Loft Gallery in the previous three years. This encourages artists to keep on painting!

Handing in day is 1 April – five weeks away and I am hard at work.

The Loft Studio is open 7 days a week from 11am until 5pm. Admission is free.


Consuming Passions Exhibition
Tuesday 6 June – Sunday 18 June 2017
2017 exhibition schedule

This is a new one for me. It’s organised by SHAF (South Hams Arts Forum). I’ve been a member of that organisation for several years and have enjoyed the events they organise for local artists: talks and social events.

This will be my first joint venture with them, in an exhibition!

It’s at Harbour House. Kingsbridge – a wonderful gallery space – and I’ll be exhibiting probably 7 paintings there.

Doors will be open from 10am – 5pm and admission is free.


One-man exhibition in the Redfern Health Centre
Thursday 29 June – Thursday 27 July 2017

Full members of Salcombe Art Club are asked to display their work for one month – so that those visiting the Redfern have something to admire while waiting to see the doctor.

It’s an honour to be on the team again and to know that my paintings may provide some cheer to those having health issues.

On one occasion, a gentleman recognised Burgh Island in one of my paintings as the venue for his marriage many years previous. He purchased it as a surprise for his wife. How romantic!

The Redfern benefits from all sales; – a percentage of the purchase price is donated to their funds.


One-man exhibition in the Little Studio in the Loft Gallery
Sunday 13 August – Saturday 26 August 2017

2017 exhibition scheduleSalcombe Art Club invite members, including associate members, to take one or two weeks in the Little Studio, to display as many of their paintings as they can hang in the space.

More recent paintings that didn’t sell last year can be hung so they usually get another airing.

I’ll be stewarding all day both Sundays, so that’s a good time to pop in and chat, if you want to ‘meet the artist’.

The photo is me – last year.


SHAF Arts Trail
Saturday 14 October – Sunday 29 October
2017 exhibition schedule

The South Hams Art Forum (SHAF) usually have a one-week Arts Trail. This year, it’s extended to two weeks so that those on holiday in the area might have more opportunity to attend during the school’s half-term holiday.

Viewings at Beacon House Gallery are usually by appointment but, for the period of the SHAF Arts Trail, we will welcome visitors 11am-3pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, and 10am-5pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (Closed on a Tuesday)


Beacon House Gallery
Private viewings 2017

I usually hold a private preview evening ahead of the start of the season, but the gallery is being refurbished and works will not be completed before Easter.

Instead, there will be an event to celebrate the re-opening of Beacon House Gallery – whenever that happens!

If you would like to be advised about the date of this event and to receive an invitation, please contact me.

New Year Resolutions

It’s that time of year again, when we reflect on the past twelve months and make New Year resolutions.

I’ve decided, after half a century of sailing and more than 25 sailing a Solo, to hang up my wetsuit and sell my boat – Don’t Wait Up – to a younger man. The Solo before last was called Back Soon but I never was …

I’ve also hung up my spade and relinquished the shed key for allotment 5E. I wish the new incumbent many happy hours of digging and cropping, while enjoying the most amazing view across the estuary and hills beyond.


What will I do with my time in 2017?
Always to the Hills, by Nikky Corker

Always to the Hills, from an original painting by Nikky Corker

I’ll be mostly painting, although, as this year’s birthday card from wife Anne hinted, we need to spend more time together, walking and enjoying the fresh air and beautiful countryside while we still can.

Anne purchased the card from Ashburton Post Office where they have a great range, including ones by the artist, Nikky Corker. In this one, Nikky captured these aging but fit folk heading for the hills. Us in 2017?

We’ve lived here in Salcombe for more than a decade now. While we enjoy fortnightly visits to the chiropractor in Ashburton, and make a point of buying fresh fish at the excellent Fish Deli, we rarely make time to head up to the moors.

Such excursions are clearly high up on my list for 2017!


What am I planning to paint in 2017?

The first challenge is to create enough new artworks for the Salcombe Art Club Main Exhibition – and handing in day is Saturday 1 April.

As a full member of the club, I’m invited to exhibit five new original paintings. I had better get my skates on!


What art classes will I attend in 2017?

I’ve already booked to attend Michael Hill’s watercolour / acrylic class on a Tuesday plus the full-day oil class with Ian Carr on a Friday. I’d also sign up for Ian’s Tuesday evening but I know I’d be too tired after a full day class with Michael!

Attending these classes is a great opportunity to meet with fellow artists and enjoy their company while learning more and more techniques.


Where are the classes held?

All classes are in the Loft Gallery, the home of Salcombe Art Club.  The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay. And, Low Tide at Fishermans Cove – the featured image above – is the view from Victoria Quay.


See you there?

I can thoroughly recommend your joining Salcombe Art Club and attending classes between now and when next year’s Exhibition open at Easter time.

Make it your New Year’s resolution? See you there!