Merlin Rocket Week: Artist in residence at SYC
Merlin Rocket Week: 8-13 July
Of all the craft I paint, my favourite, second to the lifeboat, is the Merlin. To date, I have three finished paintings:
The Merlins race in Salcombe every year. It’s a spectacular event. I’m usually there, with my camera, hoping to catch the action. Then, back home, I choose a few photos from which I’ll compose my next Merlin painting.
This year it’s different!
Artist in residence!
I have set up camp in the Chart Room, with my easels, my paints and brushes, and some half-finished paintings.
It has the most amazing view.
Do pop in and say hello.
I’ll have a range of (finished!) paintings on sale, limited edition prints at reduced prices, plus my fine art greetings cards: £2 each or 3 for a fiver.
Where is Salcombe Yacht Club?
Cliff House
Cliff Rd
01548 842593
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