Back to classes!
Yes, the Salcombe Art Club Summer exhibition is over, we’ve had the SHAF Arts trail and, for many of us artists, it’s back to classes for the winter months.
To attend, you need to be a member of Salcombe Art Club. Lay membership costs only £12 per annum.
Vacancies on Salcombe Art club classes
Classes are arranged each term and you’ve missed the official signing up for the Autumn term. However, there are spaces on these two courses:
- The Enjoyment of Drawing with Jennifer Johnson (Code: JJD)
Mondays: October 31, November 7, 14, 21, 28, December 5. Cost £105
Each week a different subject will be explored through the subtleties of pen, ink, charcoal, pencil, crayon, pastel and watercolour.
Jennifer is a well-known local tutor and with her skill, enthusiasm and guidance there’s always more to learn. All abilities are welcome.
Contact: Jennifer Johnson jj**************@gm***.com or Tel. 01548 830747 - Oil painting with Ian Carr (Code: ICT) Cost £70
Tuesday evenings: October 4 – December 6, 7 – 9 pm (10 weeks)
Ian’s fun-packed courses are popular with people at all levels. Oil paint is a forgiving medium and ideal for anyone who has limited experience of paint; it builds confidence and invites experimentation. Ian is a very experienced Salcombe based artist who loves teaching and sharing his enthusiasm. This course is suitable for the experienced, not so experienced and the absolute beginner. You will need your own materials.
Contact: Ian Carr to book or to ask questions. ia******@bt********.com or Tel. 01548 854211 www.ian-carr.com
What classes do I attend?
I attend Michael Hill’s watercolour/acrylic class on a Tuesday and the full-day oil class with Ian Carr on a Friday. It’s a great opportunity to meet with fellow artists and enjoy their company while learning more and more techniques.
Where are the classes held?
All classes are in the Loft Gallery, the home of Salcombe Art Club. The Loft Gallery is situated behind the Fortescue Inn, and above a popular shoe shop, on a delightful footpath called Victoria Quay. And, Low Tide at Fishermans Cove – the featured image above – is the view from Victoria Quay.
See you there?
I can thoroughly recommend attending classes at Salcombe Art Club between now and when next year’s Exhibition open at Easter time. See you there!
Paul Hardy
8 March 2017 at 7:12 pmDo you have any other ‘oil painting courses with Ian Carr’ happening in the near future (summer term?)
12 March 2017 at 9:49 pmHi Paul – the Salcombe Art Club premises – the Loft – where the winter courses are held turns into the exhibition space ie gallery from Easter through to the end of September. So, nothing going on there, but Ian Carr has his own studio (also in Salcombe) and you’d need to contact him direct to check what classes or training opportunites he has planned for the coming months.
I won’t be attending any classes during the summer months as my time is taken up with painting and stewarding at the various exhbitions on my own calendar. But I’ll be back in class in October!
If you check out Ian on this website: http://www.devonartistnetwork.co.uk/artists/ian-carr you’ll find his personal email etc contact details. Hope this helps!