Sketchbook Notes: Splosh of Frogmore
Frogmore is some miles away from Salcombe, beyond Kingsbridge by road. By boat, with the right tide, it is a magical short voyage from Salcombe through beautiful countryside.
Splosh is real, tied up near a little bridge. The faded coloured roundels show Splosh has had many years of service in Salcombe Harbour.
The day I was passing by, the egret was fishing in the stream, competing with dancing reflections of Splosh.
I took more and more photos, to capture greater and greater detail.
Notice that, in my composition, I moved the egret. My regret is on the right, looking towards Splosh.
I also used my artistic license and left some things out. Can you tell what, and can you imagine why?
I don’t know who owns Splosh. If you do, let me know. I’d be fascinated to find out more about the L in SPLOSH, and the history of this particular boat.
Where can you see this painting?
Splosh of Frogmore is on display at Salcombe Art Club in the Main Exhibition, along with four more of my paintings: Hope Cove, Merlins, Scoble Point Moorings, and South Pool Sunrise.
The Exhibition is open every day from 11am until 5pm, until 24 September.
I will be at the Exhibition, stewarding, on these dates: 19 April (2-5pm), 10 May (11am-5pm), 24 May (2-5pm), 14 June (2-5pm), 12 July (2-5pm), 9 August (2-5pm), and 20 September (11am-2pm).
If you are in Salcombe this summer, why not drop in?
The Sketchbook Notes series
This is the first of the Sketchbook Notes, a series of posts explaining what inspired me to produce a particular painting.
If you own one of my paintings, or are just curious about an image, let me know; I’ll then write a blog post especially for you!
19 May 2017 at 11:01 am[…] For more information about this painting, read my Sketchbook notes. […]